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Attitude is the Difference Maker

This weekend at church I heard a great quote from our guest speaker Marcus Lamb. He is the Founder of DayStar International the largest Christian TV channel in the world. He was sharing about the many challenges DayStar had in becoming the leader in their field. His quote was “Attitude is more consistent the words”. Boom!!! Drop the mic…. That pretty much says it all for me. I have said for years that people are watching you. They are watching you in life, business, family, etc. What do you portray?

Do they look at you and say:

  • “What a positive individual?”

  • “They have really handled adversity well!”

  • “Such a nice person. A real pleasure to be around”

  • “They always make me feel better!”

Or it could be the opposite.

  • “That whole conversation was about them”

  • “Could they have said I any more times!”

  • “When I see them coming my stomach starts turning”

  • “It always seems like everything is bad with them. I guess they think they are the only person that has ever been thru something…”

Just start thinking about what you say…and what you post on social media. Is it positive or negative? How are you treating the people in your life? Work, home, church or even Facebook friends & social

. There is most likely a theme. Are you one of those people that when you walk in the room people say “Here comes (insert your name) !!” or one of those people that walks into the room and everyone says “ Oh no here come (insert your name)! Two totally different responses and two totally different people.

It really all comes down to attitude and it’s a choice! We all have pain, we all have failure and we all make mistakes. What will define you and become your portrait will be your attitude! Decide to be positive! Decide to give mercy because we all need it. Decide to smile and be friendly it really is easy! If you decide to be a positive attitude person in my opinion you are not only successful you are being like Christ!

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Scott Unclebach -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

Unashamed kingdom man who has a conservative mindset.  Loves America and the freedom it provides.  Understands that everything I have is a gift from God. 

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