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Sometimes Life is Difficult.

Its funny how sometimes things just seem difficult or you have an unexpected crisis and other times things are so easy you are pretty sure nothing could ever go wrong! Well as you have heard me say before if you read my blog posts is probably not as bad as you think or as good, which is real life.

Here is what I do know.... When you are consistent & persistent it works. You do what you know to do even when it seems to not work and in time it ALWAYS works. I love the story of bamboo that creates roots for almost a decade before exploding into hyper growth!! If you have ever had the privledge to walk thru the bamboo forest on Maui you can actually here the bamboo growing. Now that is GROWTH, but without the awesome root system to support the growth it would be impossible. That is what consistency and persistency creates a great root system or foundation for future growth!! In my own life I have seen this twice in my 30 years of business ownership and had to grow thru almost a decade of doing what I know to do to create a stable root system to allow hyper growth!! What is so cool is the difficult times sure don't seem so difficult when you reach the hyper growth stage. It seemingly happens over night like the bamboo trees. So my encouragement today is to do what you know to do every day even if it does not seem to be working. Good work ethic, seed planting, helping others, choosing to be happy and leading yourself always pay off! In closing here is a scripture from the bible I stand on.

Psalm 37:23 (AMP) - The steps of a good and righteous man are directed and established by the Lord, And He delights in his way and blesses his path.

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Scott Unclebach -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

Unashamed kingdom man who has a conservative mindset.  Loves America and the freedom it provides.  Understands that everything I have is a gift from God. 

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