Thunder Rolls
We always know spring has arrived in Texas when the THUNDER ROLLS through with the big storms. Even though nobody looks forward to high...

Cycles of Life- 4 Rules of a Great Life
Cycles of Life - 4 Rules of a Great Life It is funny to me how I see things now versus how I saw things even a decade ago… Time has a...

Loyalty, Honor & Respect
One of the most painful things in life, besides loss of a loved one, is losing a friend or what we refer to as family of choice. The...

Dreams Can and Do Come True!
Its 2019 and the year is off and running! Every year I reflect on the good and bad but, not long. It is time to move forward, make a...

Are you the CAUSE or EFFECT?
There is a famous quote that says “ All successful people have agreed in being Causationists. They believe that they are the CAUSE for...

Riches Cannot Buy Long Life!
When I heard the news about Paul Allen, the 26th wealthiest person in America and C0-Founder of Microsoft, passing from cancer (Age 64)...

All We Have is Our Health
My head is spinning right now with all the things I want to say…. All we have is our health and if you don’t believe it’s true just wait...

Life Happens
Have you ever had those days where is seems like the world is moving fast in the wrong direction and the things you dream about for...

Squeeze the Lemon!
I recently said this to a millennial and they asked me what it meant? So, I explained that squeezing the lemon meant getting every last...

What is Your Excuse Point?
This is an interesting thought process. I have often thought of this as something similar to what is your quitting point, but it is...