I Had To Say Something!
I have been pretty silent on Social Media about the crazy hate going on in our country, but thought I would say something today! I saw...

What is freedom? Is it just the ability to do what you want when you want, or it is really something much greater? Is it something...

Life Happens
Have you ever had those days where is seems like the world is moving fast in the wrong direction and the things you dream about for...

Go to Church... Why?
There are many reasons not to go to church. The best one I can come up with is people are there! If people are involved there will be...

Summer is Special
Summer has always been special. I remember when I was young and how much we enjoyed the last day of school and those 3 months off to do...

Every Day Matters.
Have you ever noticed how much is going on every day. What I mean by that is stuff that matters in all of our lives or certainly seems...

Life is Short..
It’s been a few weeks since I last posted. No, its no writers block I have actually been working on finishing a book many of you know I...

Is the News news?
I am not sure how everyone else feels about the news lately, but I am not sure the News is news. It really does not matter which TV...