Where is the LOVE?
Where is the LOVE?
The world has definitely changed thanks to Facebook & other social media outlets. When you think about how connected we are today it really is crazy! We use to tell a few people or invite friends over to the house where they might see photos of a trip you took, etc. Now you can determine what someone is doing, where they have been, what they like, who they hang with, what teams they like, when they are celebrating birthdays & anniversaries, and in many cases what they don't like. No matter how you feel about POTUS he tweets and drives everyone crazy especially the media. This is a new time in politics.
Here is my point. In my opinion its best to use this platform for good positive events and opinions. Honestly we get enough negative from the news and from real life! Lets use our voice for good. Lets spread happiness and joy. Lets share great causes and life changing events. Most importantly lets spread LOVE not hate!. Love is the cure for hate, racism and dividing opinions. LOVE truly is the center of happiness & forgiveness!!