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What's beating in your heart?

What is beating in your heart? This quote from Phillips Brook stirred my thought today.

Bad will be the day for every man when he becomes absolutely content with the life he is living when there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger. – Phillips Brook

Is there something larger stirring in your heart? Its a good question to consider. What is your purpose here on earth? What are you doing to make a difference? Sometimes we have not figured it out yet or sometimes we have already given up on anything special or larger than yourself. I can tell you that for me it starts with my belief in Jesus Christ. This belief connects me to my future and my forever. It connects me to a community of like minded people seeking to understand the bible and improve their life. It has been a core belief and stabilizing factor for my life and my family. When "life" happens and people get a divorce, become sick or even die we have a very strong foundation and group of people to support us. We also work collectively to accomplish greater causes of helping people in need, feeding the hungry, clothing the homeless, and educating people with no resources. All of this is something larger than we could do on our own. I have seen this changes hundreds or peoples lives when they started focusing on the relationship with their maker.

So with that as my starting point it is easy for me to increase my vision and see what might be possible in business. The more successful I can become the more that I can do! More resources equal more impact. Find something to be passionate about and get started. I believe strongly that YOLO is important and you should get up every day with that in mind. Connect yourself to something larger!

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Scott Unclebach -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

Unashamed kingdom man who has a conservative mindset.  Loves America and the freedom it provides.  Understands that everything I have is a gift from God. 

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