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Preparing for Family!

I have always loved the Holiday season. Getting together for a family feast for Thanksgiving and celebrating Christmas. I have really found memories of this time of year and have strived to create them in my own family as a parent and spouse, but know this is not the case for everyone. Lets jump in to the preparing for family. You are usually in one of a few groups when it comes to this season.

Group 1 – You have a great family and great memories and creating new memories

Group 2 – You have a crazy dysfunctional family and don’t really look forward to spending time with them

Group 3 - You are disconnected from your family or don’t have family and don’t enjoy this time of year

Group 4 – You fall into one of the above groups but have great family of choice (friends) and look forward to time together

Ok so you know which group you are associated or maybe you are a hybrid of them. The point is how are you going to treat the people in your life. It is a CHOICE not an obligation. The old Golden Rule comes in to play here. “ Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” If you take the position that I am going to SERVE others, even difficult people, than you have now turned the cycle of bad behavior around. Be realistic one day or one week of behaving different may not turn the titanic around, but I can tell you it will start steering the ship in another direction! All of life is a CHOICE. You choose to be happy, you choose to be friendly, you choose to be positive, you choose to smile. Well you get my point so a few days ahead of the first Holiday celebration start preparing to be happy, positive and a serving mentality. I can promise if you make this decision and lead the way upcoming Thanksgiving and Christmas might just be the family gathering you have always thought was possible. Plus if you are Group 1 & 4 you can make some awesome new memories that you will carry for the rest of your life. Enjoy this Holiday season its a CHOICE!!

PS. One disclaimer: You are not required to be in abusive situations and don’t want to imply you can choose or serve your way out of this type of harmful behavior.

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Scott Unclebach -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

Unashamed kingdom man who has a conservative mindset.  Loves America and the freedom it provides.  Understands that everything I have is a gift from God. 

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