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So Thankful for Thanksgiving!

What a wonderful day! Its the day to be thankful and to share thanks in the truest since! What are you thankful for? I can tell you if you are reading this and living in America you have much to be thankful. I am not going to quote all the stats but just living in the country puts you in the top 8% of the world quality of life and income! We have religious freedom in this country and for me that is celebrating God our maker. So I am thankful for America the Land of the Free! We have so much to be thankful. I am going to start the list to remind us of things to be thankful and to encourage you to start your own list today.

1. Health… if you are not healthy this is nothing more important.

2. Family… no matter what you can be thankful you were born

3. Children … one of the greatest blessing in the world

4. Friends … family of choice including your spouse. Having great friends makes life fulfilled.

5. Money / Job… to live and to give! The average household income in the world is $9723 per year

6. Car.. Only 8.5 % of the world population has one!

7. Church… you can celebrate God in the open without fear of persecution

8. Food… the average american eats 1 ton per of food per year

Now that you have a list start thanking! Make sure you send thanks to everyone you can today no matter how big or small. When you share thankfulness I promise it will come back to you! BE THANKFUL!!

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Scott Unclebach -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

Unashamed kingdom man who has a conservative mindset.  Loves America and the freedom it provides.  Understands that everything I have is a gift from God. 

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