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Life is Fast

How do we pack it all in every day? Get up take some time for self improvement, spend some time with God in the word and prayer, get in a quick workout, head to work or your first meeting, answer text, emails, check in on social media because the world might end if you don’t! Get the kids to school, change the oil in the car, purchase gifts for the next party, shop for groceries, pick kids up and get them to practice, head to church, check social media again Instagram needs to see your latest pic!! I could go on and on and each of you could add a dozen activities to the list. LIFE IS FAST and does not appear to be slowing down. It is extremely important to make sure we focus every day on what is really life changing, what lines up with your core values. Your spouse, your children, your family, close friends and your health. Without your health you won’t get to spend time with them. Slow down and smell the roses! If you have been around for a few years you might have heard this from your Mom or Dad. The older I get the more I know it’s true and important. What are the things you remember the most! Fun, vacations, special moments and holidays! So, find margin in your FAST LIFE to make moments, make memories and have fun! It will be way more important than all the busyness and for sure way more important than checking out all the special moments everyone else is creating on social media!!

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Scott Unclebach -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

Unashamed kingdom man who has a conservative mindset.  Loves America and the freedom it provides.  Understands that everything I have is a gift from God. 

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