Go to Church... Why?
There are many reasons not to go to church. The best one I can come up with is people are there! If people are involved there will be mistakes, offense, gossip, backbiting, affairs, criticism, lies and hate. Remember why most people go to church, which is simply a gathering of people. First out of obligation because your parents went and now you take your family. Second because you feel like you need help or community. Maybe there was a death, someone got really sick, divorce, you relocated and don’t know anyone, you feel like your life is not totally unfulfilled and you decided to go. All good reasons to be in church.
Here is what I know after over four decades of attending church. I have experienced everything I just stated good and bad! Remember people are involved. However, here is the rest of the story. It’s beautiful and life changing. It really does not matter how you got to church or why it’s that you came to meet Jesus and you may not have even known that’s why you came. He is the Son of our creator and the gateway to God. When you meet Him it becomes a game changer! You just want to do better and be better. Many of the old habits you had just seem foolish and you become hungry to learn about God. I call this a Jesus moment and it is amazing! The bible says “Old things pass and away and you become new“ and that is really what happens. Sometimes it is instant and sometimes it’s over time, everyone is different. Don’t think though that people are not still involved and that everything will be perfect. As long as you and I are involved it will not be perfect, but I think that is the point and part of the transformation. We are given grace and forgiveness when we meet Jesus and we learn to give that same grace and forgiveness and we become most like God!
I love the journey and challenge of life. What I know for sure…. it has been better by living a life in church and raising my family in church regardless of the Pastor or the congregation. Find a church, plug in and give your best like your life and your family’s life depends on it! Because in my opinion it does, nobody can go thru life all alone and have true success.