Life Includes PAIN!!
I think anyone who follows my blog has probably experienced pain in one form or another. Most of you like me have experienced it in many forms. Loss of loved ones, loss of property, loss of friends, loss of relationships and pain from health issues. I have experienced the last of these for the first time since a knee reconstruction when I was in my twenties and able to recover easier! I now have a tremendous amount of grace and mercy for anyone with nerve pain. Having three bulging discs in my neck have introduced me to a level of PAIN that I did not know existed!!! The worst part is at night and with nerve pain you really cannot get rid of it!! Drugs just don’t have much effect… just take the edge off! So, you are in pain and cannot sleep a great recipe for misery! My point is to not talk about my pain I am just giving you context for the thought today.
Pain is real! It is part of our daily life and God never said our life would be without struggle or pain. Life happens and we have to fight with our bodies to remain healthy. The big thought of today is to control the pain you can control and fight through the pain you cannot control. The pain of life is made easier with great friends, great family, great purpose, great missions and great desire to help others. The pain of the body is made easier when you have hope of recovery. Pain without hope is very hard to process. I had those hopeless thoughts in the middle of the night, so I totally understand. Now that I am on the recovery side of the physical pain I can look back and see the lessons of the pain.
Lessons of the Pain:
1) Life has pain make sure you don’t have to go thru it alone.
2). God never gives us more than we can handle, so have faith it will pass.
3) Your health is a precious gift! Take care of yourself or you will wish you had, and it will be too late.
4) Getting older is a real process and happens quicker than you think. Take every day as a gift and enjoy your journey.
The final thought for me like I have said before…. Without your health you don’t have anything! Money will not buy health, time is meaningless if you are sick! Do everything in your power to take care of your health and when problems arise like they did for me recently stand on the faith in God that he will get you through and lean on those close to you for support. It makes the process possible.