Cycles of Life- 4 Rules of a Great Life
Cycles of Life - 4 Rules of a Great Life
It is funny to me how I see things now versus how I saw things even a decade ago… Time has a way of teaching you the cycles of life. You are either learning from them or it circles and comes back. It’s like growing a forest, it takes time over a decade to become mature or you set fire to it every few years and get to start the planting process over.

4 Rules of a Great Life:
Rule 1) How you TREAT PEOPLE will determine how you are treated. Any time you see yourself bigger than others its pride. God sees our heart and we cannot hide. It is one of the quickest ways to lose respect. The Golden Rule is real!
Rule 2) How you SERVE OTHERS will determine the depth of your relationships. If a relationship is transactional everyone knows and it creates no depth. There is no situation where serving does not create the proper posture. It is impossible to serve too much! If you want to be loved and respected serve others.
Rule 3) TRUTH IS TRUTH and it always comes out. I have never understood why people lie. I know it is usually out of insecurity, covering a mistake or looking for approval, but it will always come out and many times BITES you deeply and for sure it will ruin your reputation. When you are known as a liar it can take years to create credibility or it may be lost forever.
Rule 4) Choose to be a HAPPY PERSON. Don’t worry be happy is so true and the bible tells us to count it all joy! Sometimes we need to take a moment and remember where we live America the greatest country in the world. We can openly worship God and we can determine our own fate. The only limiting factor is what we decide. Happiness in the middle of strife, pain and change is a decision. I recently went through great pain in my neck, but I have chosen to see it as a positive. There is always a bright side and you choose to find it. What I know is if you are one of these people its infectious and you attract people who want to be happy and positive.
I know when you when you read what I just stated it all sounds good, but walking it out can be harder. I can tell you for me it’s a daily decision just like choosing to be healthy. It took me 46 years to make that choice… so be realistic about your process and begin to work on these things daily and it will eventually become your Daily Mode of Operation “DMO” I can promise you if you follow these 4 rules your life will be transformational because you are helping transform others!