Thunder Rolls

We always know spring has arrived in Texas when the THUNDER ROLLS through with the big storms. Even though nobody looks forward to high winds, hail stones sometimes the size of tennis balls and possibility of a tornado it somehow becomes part of our normal. It is kind of like living on the west coast, you are going to get a few earthquakes and it becomes normal in time. What is interesting to me and is a reflection of the greater plan by our creator. You could look at the obvious we need spring showers to bring may flowers, crops to sprout, trees to bud or a deeper thought is storms also bring renewal.
Here is what I mean specifically just looking at a few things. Lighting starts fires… fires burn trees and old forests… new growth begins because the sun can now reach the ground… animals return because there is food… the cycle of life. High Winds blow over week trees, blows out dead limbs, blows over old fences and clear out anything lying around… allows for new trees to sprout or be planted…new things to be built in place of old…almost like God sweeping out the house. Hail falls and roofs are destroyed, cars damaged, generally just major interruption of life. However there is another side to the crazy thought of big pieces of ice falling from the sky it creates work for many people and businesses… roofs have to be replaced…. cars have to be fixed…old becomes new. Because one of my good friends has a roofing business and because my Son in Love @joshlashua works for him I have begun to watch for hail, celebrate it falling as long as nobody gets hurt, I find myself almost glad it hailed and the bigger the better! Now that is a different lens to look through!
Here is what I know getting back to the greater plan from our creator. I believe this is how God sees our life and how he wants us to grow through the storms because there will be thunder, lighting, winds and tornadoes in our life. Life happens to everyone, but how we look at life defines who we are and how we respond! Choosing to grow through the storm, learn what needs to be learned, trusting in God and walk thru to the other side. Find a new lens to view your situation, find likeminded people to stand with and put your trust in God. The storms will come, but they will not steal your joy and believe it or not you may actually learn to embrace the storm because you know new growth is on the other side! Let the THUNDER ROLL!!