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Are You Followable

I read a great quote this morning that goes right along with one of my core ologies.. The quote was from Janet Denison I read her husbands forum. She asks the question that is really about who we are as a person? "Will you have earned the right to share our faith with the people we have shared our political opinions?" My core ology... are you a followable example? You life simply represents something that people will follow or it doesn't! You should guard your words, guard your actions and live a life that represents Christ and the bible gives us very clear direction on this. Love your neighbor as yourself... Right now I don't need to add much to that scripture or additional scriptures it would be a good place for our country to start.

I am not saying that we should not stand up for our faith, share our positions and opinions, let your life speak loudly and clearly. Just do it with love, respect, decency and honor to the true King of Kings. The popular saying and bracelet WWJD is still applicable every day! If you share your opinions with hate, mis-truths, disdain, rudeness and vulgarities who are you representing? Trust me you are representing something... in our modern social media society those things you post and say stay around forever!!

Count your words, let them circle in your brain a few times before they exit. I say this often to a group of men I have influence. If what you are about to say does not bring anything good ( Positive, love, encouragement, hope, grace, mercy ) then you probably shouldn't say it!!

Live a life others can respect and follow! Trust me after these crazy elections, fear mongering and hateful times end people will still want to be in your life even if you have a different opinion.


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Scott Unclebach -
Entrepreneur, Speaker & Author

Unashamed kingdom man who has a conservative mindset.  Loves America and the freedom it provides.  Understands that everything I have is a gift from God. 

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