Summer is Special
Summer has always been special. I remember when I was young and how much we enjoyed the last day of school and those 3 months off to do...

Life is Fast
How do we pack it all in every day? Get up take some time for self improvement, spend some time with God in the word and prayer, get in...

Always Be Humble & Kind
I am sure I am not the only one who likes Tim McGraw’s great song that says “ …always be humble and kind”. These are great lyrics and I...

Rest to be Your Best!
The beach produces energy for me! If you follow me or Darlene socially you know that we just took a week off on the beach. This has...

Just Wait Things Will Change!
The Texas weather reminds me of life. We say all the time “if you don’t like the weather just wait a day it will change!” It is so...

Life is Short..
It’s been a few weeks since I last posted. No, its no writers block I have actually been working on finishing a book many of you know I...