People are CRAZY!!
I use to think I had heard everything, but it seems daily I am reminded of how crazy people can be. I am not talking about terrorism and...

Every Day Matters!
The older I get the more I notice when people pass. It becomes more real to me that we are not guaranteed another day! So we have to...

The Unreasonable Man...
As the new year is starting to get rolling I have been thinking about progress and moving forward. The word this year declared by my...

Twas the Night Before Christmas..
Twas the night before Christmas and all thru the house.. we all love the story of Christmas! It means allot of different things to...

Is the News news?
I am not sure how everyone else feels about the news lately, but I am not sure the News is news. It really does not matter which TV...

What Really Matters?
As I sat through the funeral of my wife’s father noticing who was there, what was said and focusing on eternal thoughts I made a few...

Have Fun its Halloween!
Have Fun it is Halloween or All Hallows Eve. Its a day celebrated for wearing costumes, eating candy, going to parties and make a trip to...

Whats on your mind... or who?
Whats on your mind or who? When I am on an airplane many times I have time to think, reflect, and focus on my life! So that is always the...

The Most Important Things
“You act like you are going to live forever so you are wasting time!” Erwin McManus Well that quote was not a wake up call, but a wake...

Spinning World...
Well the world has been spinning for me this week literally! For the first time in my life I have experienced Vertigo and hopefully the...